More Literacy and Reading
Perfect for teachers, parents and administrators . Teachers of young children spend a lot of time reading stories, teaching ABCs and building writing skills. But how can we create more opportunities for children to build literacy skills, and fall in love with reading? Building a rich early literacy program takes more than just choosing the right curriculum. But, with the right curriculum, adding, enhancing and creating more opportunities becomes as easy as 1.2.3 or A.B.C. Join us to find out how you can begin with Experience Curriculum and add in more opportunities for literacy to create a program where children fall in love with reading and writing.
Join us to learn:
Join us to learn:
- What is meant by a print rich environment.
- How to expand literacy and reading through Experience Curriculum.
- Ways to integrate literacy throughout your learning environment, schedule, and routine.
- And so much more!
The course awards a certificate for 1 clock hour upon successful completion of the course quiz.
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